Monday, March 7, 2011

Repeat After Me....

Okay so most of you know that our little Eli has always been a boy of few words, and I mean literally. Unlike Isaac who was repeating us when he was like 10 months old, Eli has just started to repeat us, well really well since Christmas and he is almost 3!!!! Originally last May (2010) when I took him to his two year well visit the doctor and I talked about my concern of his "not so large" vocabulary skills. She had all along said that that was common for second children and that it would come, but she also suggested I get him into preschool and that that should help with his talking. So I did just that. He started preschool in the fall and LOVES it. And yes his vocab has started growing, or well he has started repeating. Well last week his preschool teachers and the preschool director talked to me about getting him into speech therapy. I listened and TOTALLY agreed with them. They then told me about a program that he can get into for free, but he has to be under three. So that is just what we are getting ready to do!! We will hopefully have it all set in stone in the next few weeks. I really don't want his speech to be a problem when he gets into school. I know that is awhile away, but I figure if we nip it in the bud now then it could save him some self esteem issue in the future. We will see!!!!

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