This year was cool because we got to leave for Titusville on the 23rd of December instead of our usual middle of the night trips Christmas Eve into Christmas morning or leaving WAY before the butt crack of dawn. East Lake normally has an AMAZING Christmas Eve service, but this year they decided to do the services the weekend before Christmas Eve and Christmas. It was nice for us, but I must say that I really missed our quick, traffic free, quiet traveling that we are used to.
Anyways so we left on Wednesday morning and headed to family. We had prayed that it be a quick, uneventful trip, but for any of you that know Eli you know that could never happen. You see if Eli has to travel ANYWHERE he has to make it eventful (read Oh Where is My Hairbrush to better understand Eli's traveling skills). I tried to plan that we would stop at Chick-fil-a to get breakfast and then hit the highway. My thought was that the boys would eat breakfast be comfy and then snooze for a bit. Well...I thought wrong!!!! Isaac, the worlds greatest traveler, did fantastic!! He always has, should I expect anything different. And why on earth would I think Eli would be any different either? Just a bit of hope I suppose. So we get on the road and start cruising. Interstate 26 was flowing wonderfully. I turned to Barry and then the boys and at that moment, 30 minutes into the trip, I say, "man this is going so great babe. The traffic is moving, Isaac is watching a movie, and Eli is sleeping!" Barry is quick to informs me that I just cursed us. And sure enough he was right!!! We exit onto interstate 95 and BAM we hit traffic, I swear I-95 is the WORST road to travel, and Eli wakes up. Seriously!!! And when Eli awakes he has to make sure everyone, even the travelers in the vehicles next to us hear him. He starts squawking, as I call it, and he doesn't stop. And then, as if we didn't have enough chaos going on, Isaac screams "gross!!!! Eli pooped everywhere!!! Its on his hands!!" I immediately panic. I know a huge surprise for a germaphob to freak over poop on hands right? Well I did. And what could make it worse...we were stuck in dead stopped traffic, not moving people!! I grabbed the baby wipes and turned around to try to start cleaning it up, and there just was no way of cleaning it. It was EVERYWHERE!!! So Barry, the wonderful hubby he is, pulls on to the side of the road and drives there to the next exit. We pull off and straight into the parking lot of a gas station. I grab the diaper, wipes and clean clothes while Barry took to getting the poop monster out, and that itself is the worst chore ever. We get him out and carry him inside (that is if carrying him straight out in front of me counts as carrying) just see a line for the one-stall restroom to the door. Okay, well I thought. I turned around an walked straight back to the car. We had our wonderful hitch attachment with a locked box on it, and I thought that would be a great changing station. And so I begin the process....arggggg. We eventually get him cleaned up and his seat wiped down and covered with a beach towel I keep in my car for things like this (another post to follow that will explain). We get back on the road, or should I say into traffic and well one more massive poop and 8 hours (normally 6 hours) later we arrived in Titusville for our Christmas vacation and already dreading the trip back home to South Carolina. Check out the pictures in the Christmas 2009 folder on the right side of the screen to see what all we did. ENJOY!!

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