So, what have we been up to? Well since my last post I flew the boys down to Florida to stay with grandparents while I went with Barry and our youth group to summer camp. I'll post about that later. Anyways we flew down on Wednesday, June 24th. It was only a 48 minute flight, but I'm sure it felt like 48 hours to the flight attendant. You see, Eli is probably the WORST traveler EVER. I'm so serious too! He cries the whole time he is in the car if its more than 15-20 minutes. And I don't mean a small cry, I mean a screaming cry. It's terrible!!! So I had the brilliant idea to fly. To me a 48 minute flight of crying is WAY better than 6-7 hours of it. And so to save what little sanity I have left we flew. With this trip I realized that Eli's problem has NOTHING to do with traveling, but ALL to do with being contained or held against his own will. He hates it, I mean absolutely hates it. And well so does everyone that is traveling with him. And then to top it off, why the heck do they board people traveling with children 30-45 minutes before departure?! I came to the conclusion, they obviously DON'T have children.
Okay so anyways the trip was good once we arrived. I was there with the boys until Sunday. My mom had my nephew for the time I was in Florida. And man was that an experience within its self. It was crazy! It was pure chaos, but pure fun too. We chilled, went swimming, took pictures, and went to the beach. I was exhausted at the end of each day, and I'm not sure how my mom held up being her age and all. Love you mom! Any ways here are some photos that I took while I was there. To see more click the photo folder called June 2009 to see more. Enjoy!
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