Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I've Done the Math

Okay so I sat down the other day and decided to see how many times Eli has had a massive blow-out poop while traveling. I mean come on he HATES traveling so why not make it even worse by crapping all over yourself and everything or everyone around you. Here we go:

birth-3 months: he did fine...great traveler

3-6months: still good; but getting antsy in car seat

6-9 months: cries every time he gets put in car seat; massive poop experience

9-12 months: majorly pitches a fit when in the car; sounds like a pterodactyl; massive poop experience 2

12-15 months: absolutely hates traveling; screams or fights the whole time and makes everyone around or with him miserable; massive poop experience 3,4,5, and 6 (had to actually stop and get hotel room for this one, and I'm not joking)

15-18 months: the honest thought of traveling with this child is dreadful; 5 hours on a plane with him screaming (no joke); massive poop experience 7 and 8; and first puke experience in the car while traveling to Yosemite National Forest.

18-21 months: canceled a trip to Ohio so we didn't have to be in a car with him; hates, hates, did I say he hated to ride in his car seat; massive poop experience 9,10,11, and 12

21-24 months: just beginning this one......

So after further review and my calculation, that of which YOU do not have the right to correct or disagree with me, is....drum roll please.......
of the time Eli poops, screams or pukes
in my car hence the reason for my keeping a beach towel in my car that I talked about in my last post.(Better Late than Never post)

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