This month started out crazy. We had our largest senior class of students from church graduate out. Bittersweet if I say so myself, but excited to see where they go and how they turn out. Barry left the end of May to go backpacking for a few days. He got back and went straight into graduation parties and ceremonies. We finished those and left for Harlan, KY. Barry was asked to speak at a church from TN's mission camp that was help up at a boyscout camp in the mountains. Barry asked me to join him and without doing research I agreed not knowing that the place we were heading to for one week in a hotel room was one of the poorest cities in the USA. That was probably the longest, most stressful week of my life. I swear that hotel room got smaller by the minutes. And I'm pretty sure the people staying below us hated hearing the pitter-patter of feet all day and night. Our senior pastor, Kevin Pike, told Barry that he owed me a week at a spa for taking on that challenge....I agree LOL. After that we got home and then Barry left for youth camp with our students two days later. Crazy? Yes!!! I had planned to go visit my best friend again, but that all changed after our crazy week in KY. All I wanted to do was stay at home!!!! On a schedule that included nap time!!! I think the boys wanted that too. Barry then got home and was home all last week and then left yesterday for 19 days!! He is in Belize for 2 weeks and then goes straight to a Jr. High Mission Camp. We will reunite in FL for our 10 year high school reunion!!!
Anyways that is how June is going thus far. I've got LOTS of pictures to put on here and am hoping to do it in a day or so. Keep checking back!!!

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