Those are the words I've heard from the doctor for the since September. Words that are very annoying and words that means I probably have strep throat again. And those are the words that I heard last week a-g-a-i-n. I had just finished an antibiotic five days earlier and so when I woke up on Sunday with a sore throat I was a bit shocked. My honest thought was, "seriously, this can't be strep throat again." Monday came and it only was getting worse. And by Tuesday morning, well lets just say I woke up with my neck SO swollen that I couldn't even move it. I called the doctor and got an appointment 30 minutes later. And of course....diagnoses was... strep throat. I was a bit bummed seeing as how each bount of this junk has gotten a bit worse each time. I was even more bummed when the doctor said she was referring me to an ear, nose and throat doctor to get my tonsils out. At first the thought sounded good. Get these nasty infected things out and I'll be all better. Well it's not that easy folks. I guess getting your tonsils out at my age is rough. Rough like having a baby rough. And for any of you that care to know, I don't really like having babies naturally. So the thought of that is pretty sucky, but then again I honestly think that if it will stop these terrible sore throats I've been then its worth it. And this again is like giving birth. It hurts like the dickens, but in the end you end up with something wonderful. So with all that said I'm getting my tonsils out somewhere around March 5th. I'll be laid up for about 8 days so we are having to work out childcare details, but that will fall into place. I'll keep you guys updated and be praying for a quick, not to painful recovery.

1 comment:
Man that sucks. Hope you feel better soon! You're having surgery around the time that I'll be turning 30. March 4! I hope it doesn't feel like labor!! And cute picture of you and barry, too, by the way.
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