Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh No it's Grown!!!

As most of you know Barry and I have joined our "Y". We love it by the way. Any ways Barry usually goes early in the morning and then heads straight to work from the gym. So with this being his plan, me being the wonderful wife that I am thought I would buy him some nice travel size products to take to the gym with him so he could shower there when he was done. Well I started realizing the body wash I got for him kept ending up in our shower. I thought it was weird and then realized he liked it. So, again, me being so wonderful I bought him "real" bottle of it for our shower. And here is where the story begins....

Isaac was in the bath Saturday night and I was sitting in the kitchen talking with Tara and Keenan. All of a sudden I hear Isaac yell....

"Holy Cow!!! It's gown (grown)!!! Agh!!!"
I run in there, "what has grown?"
"Daddy soap. It gotten HUGE! Wook (look)."

You see he had seen the travel size one in there. And to surprise Barry I had taken it out and replaced it with the new one. I traumatized my child. He now thinks everything will grow if it stays in the tub too long. Gees!

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