Friday, December 19, 2008

H E L P!!!!!

We have really been having a time with Isaac. He is throwing the worst fits and is almost out of control at times. And honestly I'm exhausted! I feel like all I do all day long is discipline him. Like I'm the bad guy all the time. At night I'm going to bed feeling as though he probably hates me, but I know I'm doing what God has told me to, "Spare the rod, spoil the child". I have tons of people telling me to hang in there, it will get better, but when people?! When?! There are literally days lately that I'm ready to pull my hair out. I know I've aged a few years just in the past 6 weeks. Seriously it's like he went to bed 2 years old and the very next day woke up a terrible three year old. I know you're thinking, no Nikki its not terrible three's, it's terrible two's. Well I've got something to tell are WRONG!!! It is terrible three's!!! Testing three's!!! Totally all about me three's!!!! Did you get all that?! I just don't know what to do from here. I'm at a loss, really. I know the child is hyper, okay WAY hyper, but what do I do for a three year old? I've cut out the sugar, I've done time-outs, tried spanking, and tossing out toys that seem to know how to fly. But NONE of this is working. I mean, sure I could beat him, but that is against the law and I wouldn't dare do anything to get him taken away from me. I know there are days I feel like I'd like to sell him to the circus, but at night when he is going to bed he is SO DARN CUTE with his "kiss me here momma", "momma lay down I need to tell you a story", and the best of all "momma I love you. you be careful momma." And those very words erase a horrible day and the idea of the circus. What could I be doing wrong all day? Why does he have to hit EVERYONE? He doesn't see this at home? He is going to have any friends. All of this runs through my head ALL night long. I go to bed thinking about it, and I wake up thinking about it. I am all night long planning the next day so it will come easy to me, and then it doesn't. It really makes me sad. I know, I know, put on my big girl pantie's and deal with it. But today I can't. Today I'm consumed with it. Today of all days? Why? It's really been a good day. Thanks to the advice from my mom. We woke up to a rough start, but then we got busy doing "school" work if you may. Then I made a deal with him. He said calm and listened, threw no fits or items we would go to the park. And it worked!!! I started him out with 1 strike. If he got to 3 strikes we wouldn't go to the park. Now, we did get to 2, but we did make it to the park. I just don't know why it worked today? I've done that before and sure by after nap time he was back to his wild side, but at least for a few hours there was peace in Russell land. But now I'm sitting here planning for tomorrow, how will tomorrow be? Well off to try to sleep. I am hoping for a FULL nights rest. Believe it or not Barry took Isaac on a REAL camping trip (and since he is the only child that doesn't sleep thru the night and he won't be here, I'm sure to get sleep...yes!), I'll totally blog about that later, well actually Barry probably will he now has a blog too check it out But I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post. Okay well if you have any advice, PLEASE pass it this way. I'm open.

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