Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time Out

Just picture this if you can...

Barry is always picking at me and the other day he was doing it again. I got frustrated and this is how it went down...

Barry: You going to shower today babe? (I'd been VERY sick this past week and one day I didn't shower and the rest of the week he picked at me about it)

Me: Shut-up babe!!!

Isaac: (He is watching Sesame Street, but obviously still listening) OH!!!! Mommy you just said sut-up!!!! We not say that word.

Me: Oops, sorry buddy....Dabby be quiet!!! And nice!!!!

Isaac: Mommy you need to go to time-out for saying sut-up....and daddy you be nice to my mommy. Go time-out mommy!

Me: Can I go all day?!!!!

Isn't it just wonderful having a three year old to hold you accountable? I think everyone needs one.

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