Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Strawberry Pickin'

Yesterday Barry took Isaac to pick strawberries for the very first time. After much whining Barry let me go as long as I wouldn't over do it. So I packed the camera and once we arrived I plopped my rear-end in the wagon and took pictures of my boys picking them strawberries. It was fun to watch Isaac. He would go thru and find the "big" ones and then the "baby" ones. I honestly think he was happier carrying his basket than anything else. Barry kept trying to get him to pick them off and then eat them, but Isaac just kept saying "oh gross daddy, gross, I don't like it." After about 20 minutes of picking they had our two baskets filled to the top. We loaded up the wagon and headed to the car to head home. Isaac wanted to stay and pick more, but I was like no way! I was already trying to figure out what I'd do with the two HUGE baskets we had. Any ways we got in the car and all Isaac cared about was his basket of "rawberries" and if they were still there. He then realized he could reach them and started grabbing them and eating them. Barry didn't understand why he would eat them now, but not at the field. He ended up stuffing himself full of them by the time we got home. There literally was a ring around his mouth of pink from the strawberry juice. Well anyways, enjoy the pictures. Oh and tonight we're all going to make homemade strawberry jam!!! We'll let you know how that turns out. Oh and one more for anyone who cares...only 15.5 more days until Eli James arrives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the pictures turned out GREAT! did you not have a blast?!?!

15 more days, WHOOHOOO!!! not much longer and little eli will be here.